Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Midsummer, Take Stock, Part 2

Sometimes it takes some time away from the garden to really see it properly.
After being gone for a few days, I am able to look more objectively at the whole picture and evaluate what is working and what is not.
First on my mind are tomatoes. It looks like blight has taken out two of three of my canning tomato beds. At least the “San Martino’s Romas” look good. I’ll plant more of those next year. They are very big with fruit still setting, but I’ll be lucky if it all ripens before first frost. Those were late starts from seeds from the very last of the fruit of the season, so I am not surprised. Next year I’ll need bigger cages though. I’ll build bigger ones once I finish with the canning this fall.
The vertical cucumbers are really doing well and they don’t seem to mind the partial shade. I’ll have to take advantage of some more vertical sites to get enough cucs for pickles though. Once the garage is painted, I’ll do some prep work on that area so it will be ready for spring peas and summer cucumbers.
I learned that I can’t plant enough peas to keep my family happy. They love them in everything!
I am so happy with the grow lights I set up in the basement. I have broccoli and kale starts growing for the fall garden. The kale that I direct seeded hasn’t done a thing.
Best of all, I like my zinnias. The more I cut, the more they flower. I will DEFINITELY be scouring the seed catalogs this winter for some home grown happiness in all sizes and colors.
Take some time, look at what has worked and what hasn’t, write it down, and enjoy the moment. The pause before canning season can be such a sweet one.

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog! Glad the cucumbers are doing well. My friend just gave me a great recipe for pickles (the real kind!).

    Take care!

