Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Keeping a Garden Journal

As I wrung my hands over the fate of my squash garden I was reminded of philosopher George Santayana’s quote, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
How could I forget that the last two squash crops I tried in this location failed? Amnesia?  Maybe the third time is the charm?
My Chersonskya squash don’t look too hot. It could be the variety.  But, come to think of it, the Luminas and the Queensland Blues I planted here last year didn’t do well either. The butternuts from the year before that were a little peckish too. This was a great place for pumpkins and squash once upon a time. Maybe it’s too shady now, or the soil needs amending, or the potatoes are planted too close to the squash. Who knows?
I’d know, had I kept a garden journal.
EVERY gardening class instructor recommends a journal to keep track of the breeds that do best, the methods that work, the most effective way to keep down pests… or not. I am so bad at it though. I could use a little self-improvement. My garden could benefit from some journaling too. Maybe then, I’d learn to try squash in a different spot.
So I resolve to write down what works and what doesn’t work in my garden, how I amend the soil, what spots are best for what crops, weather trends, and what keeps the vermin at bay. I’ll look for a better spot for next year’s squash crop and hope that the Chersonskya does well in Di’s garden.

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