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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dang! What To Do With a Broken Blender

I broke the glass jar for my blender.
It was my grandmother's blender and I really like it.  Many years ago, a broken blender would have led me to mourn my grandmother's death all over again.  But things change.  My grandmother has been gone a long time and I no longer equate her blender with her.
But it's a really cool blender.  It's a mid-century classic, black and chrome, with Sputnik looking graphics and a font that says "party".  It has cool settings like "liquify" and "frappe".  It is weighty and reliable.  And it is broken.
But I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.  It was cool.  My grandmother used it to make grasshoppers for cocktail parties.  My kids have used it for shakes and smoothies for years.  It seemed like such a waste.  So it sat in the laundry room for a couple of weeks.  Everyone mourned its loss.
I looked at new blenders, but they were too expensive or too cheap.  I didn't buy one.  It didn't feel right.
In the meantime, my kids were asking for fresh strawberry smoothies and looking crestfallen when they realized that our family no longer had a functional blender.
Then I remembered that my mother-in-law bought a replacement for her favorite piece of Tupperware on ebay.  It seemed silly at the time, but she REALLY liked that bowl, she had lots of good memories attached to it, and it was a fraction of the price of a new bowl.  Maybe ebay could solve my blender problem.
Sure enough, I found PLENTY of jars replacements on ebay.  I watched a few jars and got a feel for what I could expect to spend.  If I was really desperate, I could "Buy It Now" for less than $20 with shipping.  So I watched a few jars, bid on, and won an auction.  My replacement jar cost less than $15 with shipping.
I could not get a comparable blender for that amount of money new.
And the whole experience pleased me in so many ways.
I didn't have to part with my grandmother's super cool blender.
I saved lots of money on a functioning blender.
I didn't have to feed the maw of consumerism and replace my great blender with a substandard one.
I saved space in the landfill for true junk.
I saved the money I would have spent on a new blender for something else.
Super cool.  My grandmother would be proud of me.

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