Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

Finally, we're home in Zone 4 again.
On our way home from the annual family reunion in Zone 6, we had a major breakdown.  Our vehicle blew its transfer case.  Luckily, we broke down near a lovely college town in Zone 5.  Along with a beautiful couple of days spent on campus, we were especially lucky to arrive in major metropolitan area with plenty of parts.  The tow truck dropped us off at a gas station with great mechanics.
Aside from being REALLY expensive, it was a nice time spent with my husband and youngest.  The boys went home in a rental car with their uncle.  We did a campus tour on behalf of our absent teenagers.
My husband and I made a pit stop at the university book store to buy chargers for our phones and took a trip through the stacks of required reading.  With so many good books as required reading, it made me itch to go back to school.
But, sooner or later, we all must go home.
So here I am.  My pets are all still with us.  It rained sufficiently to keep my garden healthy and the window boxes and planters alive.  Our boys did great on their own.
It's weedy.  The grass is long.  But it's all still growing.

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