Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Planting Tomoatoes in the Rain

In the Spring and Summer months, I become a weather site junkie.  I guess that it all started when I was painting our house.  Now, I plan my trips out to the garden, based on the advice of "The Next 24 Hours" of the weather report.
I gave the kitchen an extra good cleaning, drank lots of coffee, suited up for some muddy tomato planting, and waited for a break in the rain.  We had a beautiful rain all evening and into late morning.  I could think of other jobs to do, but my purchased tomato starts are 5-6 times taller than their plastic pots and they REALLY needed to get into the ground.  The rain let up and I grabbed my chance to head outside.
These leggy beauties won't suffer for being so top heavy.  I dug deep, small holes, less than six inches in diameter, with my poacher's shovel (Transplanting Spade/Poachers Spade).  I pinched off all but the top four leaves and buried the plant deep into the hole.  Roots will sprout from the buried stem and give the tomato plant the strong base it will need as it begins to bear fruit.
I finished as the rain began again in earnest.  No need to water those plants in, nature is doing the job for me!
In this bed, I planted all our eating tomatoes:
"Matt's Wild Cherry"
"Black Cherry"
"Mexican Midget"
"Jaune Flamme"
"Hillbilly Potato Leaf"
"Red Fig"

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