Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Monday, May 23, 2011

No Rest for the Weary

The worst thing about being the homemaker is the general lack of benefits.
Sick days?  Can't I call in a sub to finish up the day when I have to clock out to blow chunks?  Forget "paid medical leave", I'd just be happy if someone could make sure that dinner doesn't burn and the dishwasher is unloaded while I'm driving the porcelain bus.
Being a sick homemaker stinks.  There is no two ways around it.  The compassion of a five year old has its limits.  Teen age children need to be ridden hard all the way to the finish line of the school year, no matter how the head of a homemaker pounds.
Could there be a temp agency for homemakers?  Could homemakers organize for benefits?  Combat pay for spouses who return from work to find their spouses down for the count?  There must be a better way.

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