Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Two Months Later....

Ah, the slippery slope.
I got the flu at Thanksgiving time and all of a sudden, it was Christmas, the New Year's, then my daughter's birthday, then... quiet.
January can be a really pleasant time.  In Zone 4, there's not much to do besides clean the house.
I've been trucking through my canned and frozen garden pickings, taking note of what I may do differently with the next year' plantings.  And it is time to start thinking about the garden, in a contemplative way.
The seed catalogs are rolling in, filling my mail box with hope.  I think I enjoy seed catalogs as much as my daughter enjoys toy catalogs.
So, I pull out my list.  What to plant this year?  What varieties to repeat?  What will I skip this year and what will I try?
I love January! 

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