Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Squash and Pumpkins Galore

I had a wonderful weekend with my BFF. A good weekend for us involves lots of food and laughter. Being Fall and all in the lovely upper Midwest, we had to soak it all in: the Fall colors, football games, and all the fruits of the harvest.
I had to take her to my favorite fall spot to buy squash. Gary knows all there is to know about squash. He’ll happily make recommendations and hand out recipes. I can’t wait to stop in each Fall to see what he has to offer. I’ll admit it. I buy squash like some women shop for shoes, the more the better. My front porch is littered with them and more occupy the flat spots on the back porch. They do double duty and serve as decorations until they go into a recipe.
Gary will tell you; squash is a super food, chock full of vitamins and nutrients and so much tastier than any dietary supplement you’ll swallow. I’m always trying to find a new way to get more of it on my dinner table.
So I took my BFF to meet Gary and he gave us a tour of his cucurbit comestibles.
I’m sure that most people buy these babies because they are beautiful. I do too. But I also like to eat them.
All of this squash is lovely to look at and perfectly edible. Different types have different textures and tastes. One can buy them virtually everywhere this time of year. If you are lucky to find a Gary, get as much information as you can regarding the variety and its attributes. If you like it, plan to grow some next year if you can.
Picture credits go to my BFF, Kellie!


  1. I loved our visit with Gary and was wishing I had a Gary out in Portland, OR. If anyone knows of a squash/pumpkin expert near Portland, please advise...

  2. Man, everyone needs a Gary! Actually, I'll bet there are Garys everywhere. Any vendor that carries or grows lots of varieties of one thing must have someone on hand who knows their stuff.
    Never hurts to ask.
