Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Get What You Need

I have two beds that need some serious soil ammendments.  The first bed is around the cherry tree.  I didn't dig it too aggressively because I didn't want to disturb the tree.  I just planted it a couple of seasons ago.  The second bed is a new one along the side of the garage.  This one I will double dig to the best of my ability to loosen the soil.  Both need top dressing.  I have a great recipe for building soil that I got at a class I took last Fall.  It calls for 3 to 4 inches of the following, layered in this order:
  • shredded leaves
  • grass clippings
  • garden compost (keep it local)
  • composted manure
  • oat straw
I did this last year and the soil in those beds was wonderful this season.  The only problem is the fact that I don't have leaves.
I try not to take it personally that all the trees in our yard died after we bought our house.  They were all old trees.  We have plenty of new trees, but they just don't shower us with tons of leaves yet.
So I have been checking around.  Some of the maples in the neighborhood have begun to drop their leaves.  I just haven't figured out how to ask strangers if I can rake up their leaves and cart them away, dump them in my yard, cut them up with the lawn mower, and sprinkle them in my garden.
I'm set for oak leaves though!  My son has a lawn job and there are five 100+ year old oak trees in the yard.  His employer was more than happy to hear that I wanted her leaves.
I guess the key is to be bold, and ask for what I need-- LEAVES!

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