Make a Home. Raise a Family. Green your 'Hood.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Whoop, Whoop!
Finally figured out how to answer Candis' question about turtles!
All I can figure was that I was writing too much.  I talk too much too.

But, seriously, how annoying is something that digs in your garden?
Nothing makes my blood boil like a rodent digging up my peas.  They can't just eat all my pea seeds.  They also dig up everything around it, looking for every pea seed planted.
When I see all those little holes all over my garden, I want vengeance.
Of course, that makes no sense.  I could shoot every squirrel that sets foot in my yard, on my street, on my block, in my neighborhood and more would come.  Nature abhors a vacuum.
And if it isn't the squirrels, its the turtles, or rabbits, or moles.

Once your blood stops boiling, its time to outsmart the critters.  The idea is to make your garden less desirable.  If one trick doesn't work, try another.  Keep it legal, though.  So hard to explain weapons charges to your kids.

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